Adult Therapy in North County San Diego to help you grow & heal relationships
Our Approach
Clients often seek therapy at Centered Ground for longstanding concerns. Indeed, from a biosocial model, predisposition in temperament combines with life experience to shape trajectories through childhood and adolescence into adulthood; emotional and behavioral patterns are reinforced and perpetuated. Through a comprehensive approach to this history, new learning is provided so the course can change. This includes individual and group classes for adults. Family intervention is also available. This can be important in particular for 18-year-olds still in high school and others still strongly connected to family of origin, e.g., with living arrangements and financial support. Group classes are open to all adult ages, offering value from diversity across the lifespan. Group classes may gravitate towards a certain age span at times, as the composition depends on the current cohort. Working with the team at Centered Ground - no matter how long you have been struggling, whether grappling with emerging adulthood or ageing - it is never too late for change. Working with the team at Centered Ground - no matter how long you have been struggling, whether grappling with emerging adulthood or ageing - it is never too late for change. We are committed to persisting with you on your journey in overcoming.